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Counselling and Emotional Health Supports
Parenting and Family Supports
Community Supports for Young People
Local Social and Activity Related
Other Local Supports
Adult Education and Training Links
Accessing Childcare Services
Financial and Legal

Counselling and Emotional Health Supports

CIPC Counselling in Primary Care
This service is accessed through your GP and is free to medical card holders
Teach Tom
Teach Tom is a suicide intervention, mental health awareness and bereavement support charity in Kilkenny.
Ossory Youth
Ossory Youth offers subsidized affordable counselling for pre-teens, adolescents, young adults and parents.
Kilkenny Bereavement Support
Kilkenny Bereavement Support offer support services for those grieving the loss of a loved one
The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network
The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network provide lots of resources and information for parents who are supporting bereaved children
Amber Women’s Refuge Kilkenny
If you need support and information in relation to domestic abuse please ring the 24/7 helpline number 0818 4242 44 or 056 777 1404 or click here for information about counselling and other services
HSE Primary Care Child Psychology Services
HSE Primary Care Child Psychology Services provide a psychological assessment and therapy service for children aged 0-18yrs who are experiencing a mild to moderate, social, emotional or behavioral difficulty.
Life Link
Life Link Kilkenny Leaflet

Family Resource Centres

Family Resource Centres offer a community-based model of family support. They provide a wide range of services that can include information and support for parents and children, such as parenting courses and family support plans, counselling and social supports, education and training opportunities and childcare services. There are four FRCs in Kilkenny City and County:

Droichead FRC
Droichead FRC, Callan, Co. Kilkenny
Fr. McGrath FRC
Fr. McGrath FRC, St Joseph’s rd Kilkenny
Newpark Close FRC
Newpark Close FRC, Newpark, Kilkenny
The Mill FRC
The Mill FRC, Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny

Parenting and Family Supports

Tusla’s Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Programme
Not sure what support your family needs right now? Tusla’s Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Programme can help you to identify your family’s needs and find the right support for you
Tusla’s Parenting 24/Seven
For information and key messages on what works best for children and families at different ages and stages visit Tusla’s Parenting 24/Seven
One Family
One Family is Ireland’s National Service for One Parent families and provides a range of supports and services such as counselling, parenting courses and mediated parenting plans.
For listening support and information for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and those separating call the askonefamily helpline 01 662 9212
Barnardos offer a range of services and supports to families and children and provide a host of very useful resources and downloadable eBooks for parents.
Rainbows is a free, voluntary service for children and young people experiencing loss following bereavement and parental separation.
Your local rainbows site is The Fr McGrath Family Resource Centre 0567751988
Teen Parents Support Programme
Teen Parents Support Programme is a support service for young mothers, young fathers and their families from pregnancy until the baby is 2 years of age.
Treoir Provides a free, confidential, specialist information service for parents not married to each other, living together or apart, their extended families and those working with them. Information is available on Legal, Social Welfare and Parenting issues. Info line 01 6700 120

Community Supports for Young People

Ossory Youth
Ossory Youth provide city and rural youth work, mental health and special interest programmes as well as mentoring, information and many other supports to young people in Kilkenny. ph 056 776 1200
Drum Youth Centre
Drum Youth Centre, McDonagh Shopping Centre is a youth centre for all young people aged 12-18 years Kilkenny city and county. The purpose is to enable young people to involve themselves consciously in their own development and the development of society. It is a place where young people can drop in and meet their friends in a relaxed and safe environment. Ph: 056 778 8134
Foroige’s Big Brother Big Sister (BBSS)
Foroige’s Big Brother Big Sister (BBSS) is a an internationally recognized youth mentoring programme which provides supportive mentoring friendships for young people.
To find out more about BBSS Kilkenny phone The Drum youth centre on 056 7788134 or 086 068 5200

Local Social and Activity related

Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership
Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership is one of the network of Local Sports Partnerships developed through Sport Ireland. KRSPs key aims are to increase participation in Sport and physical activity especially amongst specific target groups and to ensure that local resources are used to best effect. They host lots of sporting events where the emphasis is on inclusion. They want to support you to get active! Phone: 056 7794991
Social Prescribing Service
Social Prescribing is a formal way of enabling individuals and healthcare services to support self-management by referring people to a variety of local, non-clinical projects and activities in the community through a dedicated Coordinator.
Cuidiú aims to provide support and education for parents and parenthood
La Leche League Kilkenny
La Leche League Kilkenny, Free breastfeeding information and support.
My Options
My Options, for information and support with an Unplanned pregnancy.
A Doula
A Doula is a professional, non-medical companion who provides parents with continuous support during pregnancy, labour and birth and the postpartum period.
Parent and toddler groups
Parent and toddler groups can be a great source of company and fun for parents and young children. The Kilkenny County Childcare Committee have more information.

Other Local Supports

Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP)
Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) offer 1-1 remote or in person supports and signposting in relation to education, training, employment and self-employment options or contact main office on 056-775 2111 to be put in touch with our Development Officers.
Kilkenny Immigrant Support Clinic
Kilkenny Immigrant Support Clinic offers information and one to one support to immigrant communities in Kilkenny.
Kilkenny INTREO centre
Kilkenny INTREO centre is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports.

Adult Education and Training Links

Kilkenny Carlow ETB
Kilkenny Carlow ETB is a local education authority and provide a range of quality education programmes and supports designed to meet the needs of young people and adults in Kilkenny.
One Step Up
One Step Up signposts thousands of people in Ireland every year towards accessing their education and training options by freely providing information about where to look for courses, funding supports, contact details of, various services, and much more to support you to find your learning pathway.
The Further Education and Training Course Hub
The Further Education and Training Course hub offers a variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16 yrs.

Accessing Childcare Services

Kilkenny County Childcare Committee
Kilkenny County Childcare Committee can advise you on your options. phone: 056 775 2865 Email:
The national childcare scheme (NCS)
The national childcare scheme (NCS) provides financial support to help parents with childcare costs. Visit for information on how the scheme works and how to apply. **

If you are parenting alone and find that you are not eligible for this scheme or the subsidy you qualify for is insufficient to meet your needs, please contact us, we can support you in accessing affordable childcare

Financial and Legal

MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service)
MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) is the irish money advise service. If you are struggling with debt and need help, visit
Citizens Information
The Citizens Information website provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland.
Kilkenny Legal Aid Board
The Kilkenny Legal Aid Board is an independent statutory body responsible for the provision of civil legal aid and advice, family mediation and vulnerable witness related services. Legal aid can help if you cannot afford to pay a solicitor privately.
.Mediation can help couples resolve disagreements such as how you will parent your children, where you will live/what happens to the family home etc
FLAC is a human rights organisation which exists to promote equal access to justice for all. They help people to understand and access their legal rights and can advocate on your behalf.